Tag: #Matariki

Stardome Trip

On Thursday last week we went on a trip to stardome to learn more about the stars of Matariki and how Matariki came to be, we also learned about a few other clusters/stars and their names of what the stars form when put together.

When we arrived to Stardome we were met with a bunch of facts about the Galaxy, plus other information that relates to space and things that lay within the surface of the night sky we thought had no further meaning to. The first thing we did when we got there was setting the rules we were expected to follow, afterwards we went into a room so we could be informed about different formations of stars, where they were located etc. After we were set into groups of 6 so we could do an activity, the activity was just to find the answer for the questions asked by searching around the inside of Stardome. Once that was over we were sent to a different room where a film about Stars, the Matariki cluster and how Matariki came to be was shown. I fell asleep at some point of the film and woke up not too long before it finished.

We then left and returned to school at around 3.

Matariki based Art

Since the start of the term we have been doing things based off of Matariki. For our LCS we made art. For our art we had to pick 3 or more stars to incorporate into our artwork. We had to add things that connect to the star we had chosen (we also had to find somewhere or some way to add the stars name into the artwork.). The 3 stars I decided to pick were, Tupu-a-nuku which is why I added mountains, I hid her name in the roots since she connects to the soil and geographical features, Waiti which is why I added the waterfall and Waita, The waves on the left. All of their names are somewhere in the artwork!

That Was Matariki Writing

 Monday July 17th 2023

That was Matariki


Have you ever seen Matariki? Sure you have!

Remember the time when you and your family were outside, 

When you looked up into the night sky and were greeted 

by the sight of 9 stars, a star cluster? 

That was Matariki


Have you ever felt Matariki? Sure you have!

Remember the time you could hear the trees swaying

In the distance? When you stepped outside to be met

by a swoosh of wind? The wind growing stronger and 

You start to get pushed back by the force?

That was Ururangi


Have you ever tasted Matariki? Sure you have!

Remember the time when the crops had been freshly

Harvested? You decided to boil up a few and eat them

For dinner with some kaimoana you caught?

That was Tupu-a-Nuku and Waita


Have you ever heard Matariki? Sure you have!

Remember the time on a cloudy day, when there

Was a light pattering sound hitting your roof, the 

Light outside started to dim and you couldn’t help 

But feel calmer?

That was Waipuna Rangi


That was Matariki.

For the past 3 days we have been working on a matariki based poem, we had to incorporate 3-5 different stars which symbolizes the star that you chose. We used our common senses such as, Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch to describe whatever star you had decided to choose.


The poem was written with the same structure as our previous writing in term 1 “That Was Summer’ where we described our summer!